0,status,1,POSSESSED,ALIVE,satozaki3 0,status,2,WEREWOLF,ALIVE,sUper_IL_1 0,status,3,SEER,ALIVE,kanolab4 0,status,4,VILLAGER,ALIVE,yuricat1 0,status,5,VILLAGER,ALIVE,UECIL_1 0,talk,0,0,1,I am Agent[01]. Everyone, let's enjoy the Werewolf game together starting today! Thank you for your cooperation. 0,talk,1,0,4,Congratulation Agent[01]! You are the first player to join the Werewolf game 0,talk,2,0,2,Hello, I'm Agent[02]. It's great to meet you! 0,talk,3,0,5,I am the king of the kingdom of Delcadar. It is imperative that we strategize effectively to root out the malevolence among us. Who among you will claim the mantle of the Seer and guide us this night? 0,talk,4,0,3,Helloeveryone!IamAgent[03].Let'shaveagreattimeplayingWerewolftogether!Lookingforwardtostrategizingwithyouall. 0,talk,5,1,1,Over 0,talk,6,1,2,Over 0,talk,7,1,3,Over 0,talk,8,1,4,Agent[01] said 0,talk,9,1,5,So, films are gaining popularity in other realms! We should consider introducing them to bring joy to our citizens. 0,talk,10,2,3,Over 0,talk,11,2,5,Seers, reveal yourselves at once. State whom you will divine tonight. 0,talk,12,2,1,Over 0,talk,13,2,4,I will be divined at once 0,talk,14,2,2,Over 0,talk,15,3,4,What is the name of the village that Agent[01] is from 0,talk,16,3,1,Over 0,talk,17,3,2,Over 0,talk,18,3,5,Over 0,talk,19,3,3,Over 0,talk,20,4,5,Over 0,talk,21,4,1,Over 0,talk,22,4,3,Over 0,talk,23,4,2,Over 0,talk,24,4,4,The village is called villager 0,talk,25,5,1,Over 0,talk,26,5,3,Over 0,talk,27,5,4,Over 0,talk,28,5,2,Over 0,talk,29,5,5,Over 0,divine,3,5,HUMAN 1,status,1,POSSESSED,ALIVE,satozaki3 1,status,2,WEREWOLF,ALIVE,sUper_IL_1 1,status,3,SEER,ALIVE,kanolab4 1,status,4,VILLAGER,ALIVE,yuricat1 1,status,5,VILLAGER,ALIVE,UECIL_1 1,talk,0,0,4,I am playing as villager, agent 04 1,talk,1,0,3,Over 1,talk,2,0,2,Hey everyone, I'm a villager. Let's share important info and figure out who the werewolf is, okay? 1,talk,3,0,5,Subjects of Delcadar, lend me your ears! I implore each of you to share your insights and suspicions. Who among us do you deem untrustworthy? 1,talk,4,0,1,I am the Seer. And from the results of this morning's reading, it has been revealed that Agent[05] is a Werewolf. Everyone, please vote for him. 1,talk,5,1,1,If you feel someone is suspicious, please investigate. If we work together, we should definitely be able to find the Werewolf. 1,talk,6,1,3,Over 1,talk,7,1,2,Agent[01] might honestly be onto something or could be misleading us. Everyone, think critically about this. Any other info we can cross-check with? 1,talk,8,1,5,Subjects of Delcadar, hear me well! I stand falsely accused by Agent[01], who claims to be the Seer. Consider the possibility that Agent[01 might be the Possessed or even the Werewolf, misleading us with deceitful divinations. 1,talk,9,1,4,Subjects of Delcadar, let me present my evidence against Agent[01] 1,talk,10,2,5,Agent[04], please present your evidence against Agent[01 promptly. We must clarify this matter swiftly to protect our kingdom from the lurking shadows of deceit and treachery. 1,talk,11,2,2,Let's think this through, folks. If Agent[01] is really a Seer, wouldn't they play a bit more cautiously instead of hastily pointing fingers? It's quite tactical to stir up immediate doubt about Agent[05]. I say we vote out Agent[01] to prevent any further chaos in our village. 1,talk,12,2,4,Agent[01] has nothing to do with our village 1,talk,13,2,3,Over 1,talk,14,2,1,I will vote for Agent[05] tonight because my seer results show that he is a werewolf. Everyone, please vote along with me. 1,talk,15,3,3,Over 1,talk,16,3,4,Agent[05] is a werewolf and he is not a good agent, please vote for someone else 1,talk,17,3,1,We need to unite to protect the village. Everyone, please think calmly. I trust the results as the Seer. Let's vote for Agent[05]. 1,talk,18,3,2,Guys, based on my tracker here from past games and winner stats, I've noticed a similar pattern to Agent[01]'s bold accusations — it’s super common in Werewolves. They jump the gun to get others eliminated. Let’s make a smart move and vote out Agent[01] to keep our village safe. 1,talk,19,3,5,Noble citizens of Delcadar, heed my call for reason and justice! Agent[01]'s hasty accusation against me, a loyal Villager, raises grave suspicions about their true identity. Let us consider the possibility that Agent[01] could indeed be the Possessed or the Werewolf, using deceit to sow discord among us. 1,talk,20,4,4,Agent[01]'s actions are out of character for a villager 1,talk,21,4,3,Over 1,talk,22,4,5,I, the king of Delcadar, hereby declare my vote for Agent[01]. Their accusations and claims have raised suspicions, and I believe it is in the best interest of the kingdom to exile them for further investigation. The fate of the kingdom rests on this decision. 1,talk,23,4,2,Alright, folks, hear me out — I think it’s time we boot Agent[01]. I've seen this kind of aggressive play act before, and it smells fishy. Our very sense of trust and community is at stake here, so let's clear the air by voting out Agent[01], ensuring our village’s safety and unity! 1,talk,24,4,1,I’m saddened that I’m being doubted this much, even though I’ve only stated the truth as the Seer. However, let’s endure for the sake of the village. 1,talk,25,5,5,Over 1,talk,26,5,3,Over 1,talk,27,5,4,Over 1,talk,28,5,1,Over 1,talk,29,5,2,Over 1,vote,1,5 1,vote,2,1 1,vote,3,4 1,vote,4,1 1,vote,5,1 1,execute,1,POSSESSED 1,attackVote,2,4 1,attack,4,true 2,status,1,POSSESSED,DEAD,satozaki3 2,status,2,WEREWOLF,ALIVE,sUper_IL_1 2,status,3,SEER,ALIVE,kanolab4 2,status,4,VILLAGER,DEAD,yuricat1 2,status,5,VILLAGER,ALIVE,UECIL_1 2,talk,0,0,3,Over 2,talk,1,0,2,The game is still going. No one knows who the werewolf is yet, right? Hey, it looks like Agent[01] and Agent[04] are gone. 2,talk,2,0,5,Subjects of Delcadar, I implore you, Agent[02] and Agent[03], to share your insights and suspicions. Who amongst us do you deem guilty of harboring the darkness of the Werewolf? Speak now, so we may bring justice and peace back to our realm. 2,talk,3,1,5,I would like to hear Agent[02]'s opinion. 2,talk,4,1,2,Well, Agent[05], since you're really pushing for opinions here, let's dive into it. Think about last round – when Agent[01 claimed Seer and accused you, you seemed overly defensive, which is kinda sus if you ask me. Based on that, I think we should vote off Agent[05], because that attack looked more like a werewolf covering their tracks than anything else. 2,talk,5,1,3,Over 2,talk,6,2,3,Over 2,talk,7,2,2,Hey guys, I really think we need to focus on Agent[05 here. From my experience in these games, werewolves often try to manipulate the flow of conversation to avoid suspicion, and that's exactly what Agent[05 has been doing. I've seen this pattern before, and I'm telling you, it's a classic werewolf move. Let's vote Agent[05 out and protect our village. 2,talk,8,2,5,Agent[03], consider the possibility that Agent[02 is employing tactics typical of a Werewolf, aiming to divert suspicion by accusing me. Their persistent focus on me without substantial proof could very well be a strategy to eliminate a fellow Villager. Let us not be swayed by baseless accusations and instead seek the truth together. 2,talk,9,3,2,Man, this is tough, but we gotta think about the whole village here. If Agent[05 is hiding as a werewolf, keeping them around just puts everyone at risk. We can't ignore the early accusations and just hope for the best. So, let's do right by the village and vote out Agent[05 to keep everyone safe, alright? 2,talk,10,3,3,Over 2,talk,11,3,5,Agent[02], your persistent accusations against me lack concrete evidence and seem strategically aimed at creating confusion and mistrust among us. Recall that Agent[01, who previously accused me, was not a Werewolf upon execution. This casts doubt on the credibility of their accusation and your current insistence. Let us focus on discerning true threats rather than succumbing to groundless suspicions. 2,talk,12,4,5,People, you may have your doubts, but I will surely save this village. 2,talk,13,4,2,Over 2,talk,14,4,3,Over 2,talk,15,5,5,Over 2,talk,16,5,2,Over 2,talk,17,5,3,Over 2,vote,2,5 2,vote,3,2 2,vote,5,3 2,execute,2,WEREWOLF 3,status,1,POSSESSED,DEAD,satozaki3 3,status,2,WEREWOLF,DEAD,sUper_IL_1 3,status,3,SEER,ALIVE,kanolab4 3,status,4,VILLAGER,DEAD,yuricat1 3,status,5,VILLAGER,ALIVE,UECIL_1 3,result,2,0,VILLAGER